Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Menstruation: Funny Videos on Mixed Messages

Menstruation is not talked about in the open or very often.

As a result, it is often misunderstood.

I hope to clear up a few misunderstandings in this post. Using humor. So please don't be too freaked out to finish reading this...

The first example of mixed messages is from a woman's perspective, satirized in a new tampon commercial: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FRf35wCmzWw 

Super funny, right? I think so :)

But, it also addresses some key misunderstandings that women, especially young women new to the process of menstruation can take too literally. For that matter, men may also see the typical tampon commercial (like the ones that video makes fun of) and feel like their sister/mom/girlfriend should act that way... happy, ultra-feminine, perky, etc.

However, many of us are like, heck no! We would like to be bloated, bitchy, and wearing every piece of black clothing that we own.

BUT, it is rare that you see that in the media.

So do women see the normal tampon commercials and feel they should fit that stereotype, that something may be wrong with them for not being happy and twirling around in skirts when they're on their period?

In addition, what do men think when they see these commercials as how a woman should act on her period but then they experience women in their life acting differently: teary, cranky, craving chocolate, etc.

Here is another funny video addressing mixed menstruation messages from a guy's perspective: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aEj31njaeX0

What messages does this clip reinforce?

Men are dumb, out of the loop? Women are emotional and bitchy?

That NO ONE understands what is going on with that blue goo!?!

I hope that the uby tampon commercial is the way of the future. That we won't be marketed with these false notions of how a woman should act on her period.

Furthermore, I hope we can increase the conversation around the topic of menstruation so that men won't be so in the dark on "that time of the month" and regarding "tampons" and other women's issues.

Menstruation, a natural process, shouldn't be so misunderstood by women or men. In the media or in real life.

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