Sunday, August 18, 2013

Highlights from my 1st Week in Tennessee!!!

Today marks one week since I loaded up all my belongings and moved 10 hours away from home.


It has been a whirlwind but a wonderful one.

I am acclimating to Tennessee: I already bought some beef jerky and a bottle of discount liquor. Now all I need is a pair of cowgirl boots...

This week was non-stop new people and places and experiences.

Here are a few highlights:

1) I moved into my apartment with all my craigs list items and craft projects; I am nearly settled and pictures will come soon :) I am really excited because the location is even better than I realized - I am across the street from campus and near fabulous places like parks, a grocery store, a Walgreens, a police station, a coffee shop, a car service place, a verizon store and an ice cream shop... pretty much anything I could possibly need ;)

2) I started my new job. I have a great boss and 2 really nice co-workers + the work seems like it will be hard but interesting. My main focus is marketing and communication but also a bit of admin and leading trainings for a campus event program.

3) I explored campus. And, oh the irony! I found out that my first GRADUATE SCHOOL classes will be held in none-other than the HOME-ECONOMICS building!?! How appropriate for a Southern Belle Feminist ;)

4) I met most of my classmates. Our first event together was a service project which was so sweet. We went to a local boys and girls club and did finger painting, face painting, dance, sports, etc. I got back in touch with my elementary school self and played a pretty fierce game or two of four-square ;)

5) In the midst of all my errands and unpacking, I did get to do a smidge of touring with my boyfriend before he left.

Our favorite spot was visiting the Parthenon replica:

6) And, of course, I have already had several Sarah Grace moments. Here is one that my boyfriend managed to capture on camera ;)

So what I was trying to do was hug the column (like the first photo below) to give a gauge of how huge this building was...

But, here is what happened on my first try when I accidentally went in a little too close for the hug and banged my head on the cement. Fortunately, it didn't leave a bruise! 

Tomorrow and Tuesday are my orientation and then classes begin after that...

I'll keep y'all posted.



  1. So awesome. Those columns need to be feared! What an adventure you will have. You will enjoy it all and take it all in. I am coming for a visit and we will go to the Bluebird Cafe and share the DL. Have a great time!
    Mrs. Betsy

  2. hahaha. So true! I am looking forward to my adventure AND to your visit :) I definitely want to go to the Bluebird Cafe!!!
