Monday, August 23, 2010

Beyond Awkward Boy Update

It was not even 9am and already pushing 90 degrees, the sun out shining in full force. I was starting to sweat, lacking any makeup and wearing an old tank-top with some over-sized gym shorts. Needless to say, I was not dressed to impress.

I was dressed for a raft race. My Daddy's company participates in this community raft race every year and they take it very seriously, having won their division and even the whole competition in the past. He was not about to have me showing up with my nails and hair done. No. We were in it to win it.

Sadly, several people at my Daddy's office procrastinate. As a result, 20 minutes til our first race, we were still down about 3 people - aka we would forfeit without enough bodies in the boat. 

I was dutifully saying a prayer for their quick arrival and casually chatting with 2 guys: one was an older man and recent heart attack victim that worked for my Daddy and the second was a younger friend of his.

I barely glanced at them as we spoke but instead was scoping out the competition in the river in front of us. Absentmindedly, I had gathered that this younger guy had a goatee, an earring and was wearing a hat... of even greater interest to me, though, was the fact that he worked stage crew for the concert I was going to see later that night. This focused most of our conversation around the concert and its main act.

I wandered off only to be greeted by him upon my return with his offer to paddle in our boat if we needed him. I told him thanks and assured him if it came down between him and the older man who worked for my Daddy, we would definitely enlist his help so as not to induce another heart attack for the older guy.

Knowing he might be needed, he hung around initiating more small talk until the last 3 guys from my Daddy's company showed up just in time for our first race. Then, he quickly disappeared.

I thought for good.

Having finished the first race, now sweaty, salty from the river water (and possibly smelly), getting hit on was the last thing I was expecting. Much to my surprise, he came up from behind and handed me a folded up piece of paper. I saw it had information about the concert typed on it (i.e. gate entry info and check-in times, etc.) so I had a glimmer of excitement that he might be giving me a backstage pass or something.

Nope : (

As I turned over the paper I saw the following note: "If you want to hang out later tonight, that would be great! If you're single that is," followed by his name and number.

That is right folks, I was hit on via note. So elementary school AND worthy of a quick listen to George Strait's "Check Yes or No" song ;) .

Upon finishing up the raft races (we made it to the 4th heat), I mentioned the bizarre incident to my Daddy. He, of course, freaked out a bit which included calling the older guy who knew the guy who wanted to hang out with me. My Daddy's conversation went something like this: "Hey, who was that guy you were talking to earlier? What's his deal? How old is he? Where's he from? What's he do?" You know, he practically got every detail - down to his credit score - on this poor guy!

Here are the results from his interrogation... I mean investigation ;)

The younger guy was actually almost 30 (nearly 10 years older than me), divorced, and he had a little boy.

Yes: a divorced dad hit on me using a note... maybe he was taking tips from his son?

Believe it or not, it gets worse.

Later that night at the concert, my friend asked me if it was him on stage. I told her I really wasn't certain because I hadn't gotten a great look at him earlier; in casually chatting with him, I didn't thoroughly check him out because I never EVER would have imagined an hour later he would give me his number!?!

Well once she pointed him out to me, realizing he had the same build, facial hair and earring he seemed to be the same guy. The only thing that looked different from earlier in the morning was that he was no longer wearing his baseball cap. This, my friends, revealed that he was balding.

So, to sum this up for y'all, I was hit on by a balding, divorced dad via a note. How is that for a confidence booster ;) At the very least, I felt certain it would make an entertaining blog post!

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