Holy sh- wait. That would not be very Southern Belle of me ;)
But, gah! It really happened!?!
Saturday, May 7th, I crossed the Cistern (yes, Cistern... not an auditorium stage. We do things differently at C of C!).
No cap and gown... white sundresses and summer tuxedos :)
I hope you aren't jealous!
A week later, the beauty and charm and celebration of the ceremony has settled.
Now, I have to enter the "real world."
And, I am excited-nervous-frightened-pumped.
What do I hope to do?
What any Southern Belle Feminist would:
Lofty - yes - but, as they say:
What any Southern Belle Feminist would:
Change. The. World.
Lofty - yes - but, as they say:
Whether you've just graduated or not,
I hope you're shootin' for the moon, too.
If you need a little inspiration, check out these 125 women who shot for the moon and changed our world.
Here are a few of my favorites and some you may have never heard of before:
- Diana, Princess of Wales - activist and icon
- Nancy Drew - yes, as in the teen detective... I swear I think I read every single book in the series growing up!
- Rosie the Riveter - hello girl power!
- Anne Frank - I have been journaling ever since I read her book.
- Helen Keller - true example that women can overcome whatever life throws at them
- Wendy Kopp - founder of Teach for America
- Gertrude Belle Elion - medical researcher who helped us transplant organs and fight Leukemia
- Rosalind Franklin - first to discover proof about the double-helix in DNA
- Jacqueline Cochran - first woman to break the sound barrier
- Valentina Tereshkova - first woman in space
- Mia Hamm - "She scored more international goals than any other soccer player, and led a generation of adolescent girls to change their minds about sports."
- Wilma Rudolph - "She overcame polio to become a runner, winning three gold medals in one Olympics, the first American woman to do so."
- Eve Ensler - creator of The Vagina Monologues
- Gloria Steinem - feminist writer and activist
- Betty Friedan - author of The Feminine Mystique and cofounder of the National Organization for Women
- Jeannette Rankin - first woman elected to Congress... back in 1916
- Gertrude Ederle - "First woman to swim the English Channel (beating the men's record by nearly two hours), 1926."
- Hedy Lamarr - "Inventor of an anti-jamming device for radio-controlled torpedoes, 1942." And a glam actress... talk about multi-talented ;)
Clearly, all of these women are talented.
Hopefully, as I enter the real world, I can follow in their footsteps to change the world and succeed in life:
Success: To laugh often and much, to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children, to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends, to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others, to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded!
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
Me, about to "Cross the Cistern"
Congrats Sarah! Hopefully one day someone will add your name to that list of women who changed our world.