Thursday, December 31, 2009

The High Price of Being Female... literally!

I have a twin brother.

He pays $18 for a haircut.

I pay $37.

I don't even get anything special done: no highlighting cause dealing with roots just complicates life; no perm because my mom had one in the '80s and that was proof enough to know our hair simply frizzes into what resembles an afro and cannot hold a curl; my cut is nothing difficult - in fact, I currently get the Posh Spice slanted bob that everyone and their mother should know how to cut by now.

BUT, I know girls that do get the coloring and the perming and the complicated cuts. They pay upwards of $100 or $150 per visit to the hair salon!?!

What do you pay? My guess is that you pay too much, unless they're serving champagne, chocolates, and giving you a massage before you leave!

What does your brother, your boyfriend, father, guy friends, any boy you come across pay? Probably MUCH less.

Why is that?

And it is NOT just a hair care phenomenon. I pay more than my brother for chapstick, lotion, clothes... the list could go on and on.

I found a fantastic article detailing "Why it costs more to be a woman." It details everything from the hair and clothes but goes further into housing, insurance, etc.

It also gives great advice - to buy like a man. And, to stop playing their game of the girlified-overpriced products.

So do it.

It will pay off, I'm sure of it.

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