Saturday, May 22, 2010

More Menstruation: a funny article

I found a funny though far-fetched article that really makes you think. Plus it has some creative photos!

It is called "If Men Could Menstruate" and I promise it isn't gory or gross, but quite thought-provoking and I think correct in its assumptions of how different menstruation would be if men did it and not women...

Check it out here.

Crazy right? And so clever. Probably correct?

So why would it be so different? Why don't we, as women, work menstruation in our favor like men would? Why do we hide it as a shameful thing when men would boast and compete?

Men don't menstruate; we do. Now let's do something to own that a little more proudly.

I'm not saying we should run around announcing our periods and truly bragging about them BUT Gloria Steinem (the author) was onto something. I mean men won't begin menstruating anytime soon but I think we can get a little more in her hypothetical male mindset regarding menstruation. Wouldn't it be nice to have a National Institute of Dysmenorrhea or federally funded sanitary supplies?

Our first step towards these things is simply not to be ashamed of the natural process of menstruation; I mean it is what allows us to continue our species on earth! That is something to be pretty proud of :)

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