Thursday, August 25, 2011

Any B.I.T.C.H. Can Cook... at least I hope so!

I have a couple of disclosures.

1.) I am a B.I.T.C.H. - or at least I hope I am.... a Babe In Total Control of Herself [I didn't come up with that myself... see below!]

I recently moved away from home and out into the "real world."

I have quickly discovered that being away from my mom's good home cookin' and out of college where I once had access to a decent meal plan makes eating a bit tougher than I anticipated.

2) I can't cook. It pains me to acknowledge this but - at least at this point in life - it is true.

I attempted egg-drop soup once but put the egg in too early. This resulted in something more like juicy scrambled eggs. It was an epic fail :/

But, I'm trying to get better.

Fortunately, I have the perfect cookbook to help me.

Someone gave this cookbook to my 80-year-old grandmother but she did not need or want it:

Yes, that is correct: someone gave my 80-year-old grandmother an animal print cookbook with that title.

The first page clarifies that they are really talking about any "Babe In Total Control of Herself" which is where I got that from :) Very Southern Belle Feminist, right?

 Lucky for me, my grandmother thought I might appreciate it so she sent it my way.

Not only does the book have quotes (which I LOVE) intermingled with the recipes but the recipes are on my level.... i.e. they even have a recipe for how to make a grilled cheese. While I can actually make that, I can't make much more than that.

In addition to a bunch of basic recipes, this book has a great section on "Household Hints" that explain different pan sizes and ingredient substitutes as well as spice selections and so much more... it truly is the perfect cookbook for someone who is new to the world of cooking.

If you too are a Babe (or Boy) In Total Control of Yourself who is in need of some culinary guidance then feel free to order your own copy here.

What is funny is that in researching this post, I realized my cookbook is one of many in a series of provocatively named cookbooks that cover a variety of dishes and cooking styles. Check those out too if you're interested!

While my rudimentary diet of pb&js and fruit has a positive in that I've lost a pound or two, I figure that when the kids I babysit are eating precisely what I am... it might be time to "spice things up."

So, here's to hoping that any B.I.T.C.H. can, in fact, cook!

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