Thursday, November 10, 2011


In case you haven't noticed, today is 11/11/11.

But what is the big deal about today anyway? Why is today so much more intriguing than 3/11/11 or 7/25/11?

An article from MSNBC mentions everything from Medieval numerologists' theories to online discussions about the 11:11 phenomenon.

However, that same article points out that all this superstition and buzz about today's date may just be what:
psychologists say it is a classic case of "apophenia," or the human tendency to find meaning or patterns in randomly occurring data. This condition feeds on itself, because the more conscious you are of something — such as repeating 11s — the more often you'll notice it in the world around you, and thus the more certain you'll become that the pattern is real.

I tend to agree with the conclusion that this is all just a bunch of apophenia... even though I had a case of apophenia at the beginning of the year when it was 1/1/11 ;)

I must say, though, in all this crazy buzz (including a movie!?!) about today, I did appreciate the way these 2 groups sought to give meaning to today.

  1. The 11-11-11 Project is promoting "World Music for World Peace" paralleling today's date with the end of World War I at 11 am on the 11th day of the 11th month which sought peace for the world. 
  2. The 11 Eleven Project is basically creating a time-capsule of life today and it is cool how inclusive and unifying it is trying to be of the entire planet. They're hoping at least someone from all 196 countries on the globe will participate. You can participate here.

Then, of course, you can't forget that today in America is Veteran's Day which obviously holds a lot of meaning, especially while we're in the midst of war. 

So however you're going to celebrate by singing a song, watching a horror movie or thanking a veteran, I hope you have a wonderful and meaningful 11/11/11 :)

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