Sunday, January 1, 2012

An Almost Resolution, An Interesting Card, and Thoughts on Timeliness

It is 2012!?!

Today is January 1st... otherwise known as a new beginning.

So much potential - endless and exciting possibilities on the horizon.

The chance for improvement, to better yourself and your life.

Gah! I love New Years!!!

Having said that, yes, I am one of "those people"... the kind that actually do make resolutions.

There are the classics like "lose weight/work out more," "quit smoking," "eat better," etc.

But, none of those were for me.

An Almost Resolution

I considered this one: "Learn to be on time."

I hate to be late because I don't want to disrespect others by wasting their precious time but I am afraid I am often late.

I blame it on my birth.

Yes, my birth.

You see I was born late, in the wrong month in fact (March 2nd instead of February 23rd), so I simply got off on the wrong foot and haven't seemed to be able to catch up since.

This lack of punctuality was fostered by growing up in the Lowcountry of South Carolina where people run on a lazy, laid-back internal clock and everything just moves a little slower.

I recently came across this t-shirt which sums it up pretty well:

That is how it is for many in the south, including me.

And my aunt.

I think she is the one I inherited my tardiness from ;)

Case in point, this recent "Christmas" card I got from her...

An Interesting Card

I got a card from her on December 22nd and was pleasantly surprised to see it came before Christmas, as I have often received Christmas cards and gifts from her well into January and sometimes even into February.

Although, I was a bit confused when I opened the envelope and read this:

Congrats on making it to Christmas? Congrats on my Savior being born? Congrats on getting presents?

I was perplexed.

This is what the inside said:

The reason this was so odd was that I did not graduate this semester; I graduated May 7th of 2011.

That means this card was just about 7 or so months late!?!

But she wrote a sweet message inside and included a check (which was well-timed after I spent a ton of money on gifts for Christmas) so I am absolutely not complaining.

In fact, I am grateful.

She and her card helped me realize that this lack of punctuality pumps through my veins. I think it is a part of who I am. As aforementioned, I was born this way. (Cue Lady Gaga's "Born This Way" playing in your head now ;) Sorry I couldn't resist!)

So "Learn to be on time"- at least for now - is simply an almost resolution.

I try not to set myself up for defeat. I mean, in making my resolutions, I am up for a good challenge but I do like them to be feasible ;)

Having said that, I resolve for 2012 to 

- Serve regularly, hopefully once a week at a soup kitchen
- Call at least one friend from home/college each week
- Try to get something (maybe a blogpost???) published
- Memorize more scripture
- Learn to cook at least 7 meals (that way I can make it through a week!)

I hope you can come up with - and keep - some resolutions of your own...

Happy New Beginning on this New Years of 2012!


  1. You make me laugh girl! I love it! I don't make New Year's resolutions but rather a serious of mid-year resolutions in to-do format.... usually with the same result as most of the New-Years versions. :-P

  2. I loved it!!!!! Aunt Pam
