Friday, February 5, 2010

One of the Reasons I Remain Single: Funny/Horrific Boy Update

I just thought y'all might appreciate this:

I was way overdue for doing laundry... it was to the point that I was truly almost out of underwear so I had to do two loads. Well, I was a few minutes late to swap the stuff in the washer to the dryer. As I walked in, this beautiful (and I mean beautiful!!! tall, built, stylish, etc.) boy was standing in there. AND, he was putting clothes into my washer...?

I looked at the dryer beside his and noticed my clothes - a bright red, lacy pair of panties on top!?! - sitting in there. I kinda looked at him and asked... "Did you just toss these in here?" He said, "Yea, uh... I didn't start it cause I didn't know.... uh..."

I said, "Oh, it's totally fine" - I was probably as red as those panties at this point - "I just have a second load i'm going to toss in first."

As I was hunched down digging out my other laundry load, my phone rings - it is obnoxiously loud and playing "the wedding march" and it is buried in the pocket of my bright pink rain coat. I finally grab it and try to answer without dropping anything - especially panties - on the floor.

Of course, it is my mom AND she is asking me what type of acne facewash I use. I am not making this up.

As I describe the Aveno apricot blackhead scrub, I am excusing myself repeatedly as I trot back and forth between his washer and my dryer to peel off the remaining panties and socks stuck on the inside of that washer...

Ugh, I couldn't get out of there fast enough!!!! I'm guessing he won't be a future date for Valentine's ;)

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