Friday, June 24, 2011

The Graduate Life: Old School Supplies

In trying to unpack now that I've graduated and left campus, I've realized that I have a lot of things - especially school supplies - that I don't know that I'll ever need again.

For example:
  • A pencil case: Like really? Why did I still have one of these past the 3rd grade??? But, anyways, I'm hoping I'll never need to have that many writing utensils on hand ever again that they will require their own separate box!
  • Twix XL sheets: I didn't know that bed size even existed until I moved into my freshman dorm-room ;) I'm pretty sure I'll never own a bed that requires those size sheets again...  assuming I can get a job where I earn the funds to afford a full bed!
  • Those calculators with 100+ buttons: Seriously? Math is complicated enough as is; when I cannot even figure out how to input the numbers into the calculator to compute the calculation, it is overwhelming. And hopeless. I thought calculators were supposed to be our friends!?! When I realized I had finished my last math class I wanted to throw my calculator out of the window or run it over with my car or some other celebration to be done with it BUUUUTTTT I have yet to tackle my taxes in the "real world' so I thought against destroying my fancy calculator just yet ;) 
  • Binder clips: Even though these came in every office supply container of paper clips, thumb tacks, etc.that I bought, I don't think I ever used one.
If, like me, you're a fan of staplers instead of those binder clips to hold your papers together, perhaps you might appreciate this article I found today. You can try these 6 Life Changing Uses of Binder Clips as an alternative to their traditionally intended use ;)

Sadly, I did not find such an article for the countless other items simply collecting dust in the corner of my closet as I hate to throw them away, yet I don't really know how to use them in this post-college life...

If you have any suggestions for utilizing college items in the real world, send them my way ;)

1 comment:

  1. Binder clips double as clothespins. They can be used as chips clips in the kitchen as well. I love binder clips.
